Russia has entered the market economy, the rough process of a privatization has passed, the majority of enterprises has appeared in hands of vigorous, courageous people but not having experience in market conditions and not having appropriate training. The army of highly skilled chiefs from the largest industrial branches and science guided relatively to command – administrative managerial control from the centre, has appeared basically also unable to supervise in market conditions.
In these conditions many of the privatized enterprises have ceased to exist, since their owners and managers have appeared unable to ensure their effective activity.
Gradually in business and production there was a process of accumulation of experience in management. However, mostly the efficiency of activity of enterprises is provided at the expense of concentration of attention of chiefs on technology of management and operative decisions making by a team of managers, figuratively speaking, on operative "plugging of holes". However, the changes in the external world have forced the chiefs to reflect more and more on necessity of reconstruction or reorganization of the enterprises, adapting to new conditions. There is an opinion of the majority of chiefs, who often say: "it is strange, but the current year does look like the last one. It is the main attribute of the lack of skill to predict changes in the market.
Actually we live in epoch of radical changes and today in order to survive even the largest corporations are compelled to carry out a deep organizational transformation each 10 years or even more often in addition to daily work on perfection of all spheres of their activity
In the countries, where the market relations are still only establishing, such transformations or re-structuring are necessary practically for all enterprises.
But in conditions of constantly varying "rules of game" in business and absence of experience for chiefs the complexity and risk of conduct of such transformations is rather high.
However, a delay with the beginning of transformations or inability of chiefs to carry out them often results in serious negative consequences for the enterprise.
Often, with reduction of market volume the chiefs go on reduction of personnel, trying to reduce a production cost, but thus there can be a loss of the key workers, fall of moral spirit of collective, fall of company's innovation potentials, as well as quality of production and services. It results in decrease of volume of orders, loss of clients.
Along with realization of transformations at the enterprise one of the basic directions is "the reasonable personnel selection", which ought to be based on deep knowledge of potential intellectual and professional possibilities of employees, use " of human capital ", which includes: knowledge, experience, creativity, abilities and talents, adjusted mutual relation, corporate memory, skill and habits of single employees and creative groups. In this connection the more and more important in re-structuring becomes an improvement of professional skill of the staff. The statistics of world business shows: the reduction of the staff was effective only in 25 % of cases.
The following important direction in re-structuring of enterprises is re-engineering.
Re-engineering includes a revision management structure, improvement not only technology of management and control as whole, but also the basic production, irrespectively of a kind of activity of the enterprise, technologies, thus eliminating separate superfluous and critical procedures or operations.
The realization of such re-structuring is connected to a lot of difficulties in problems solution: it is necessary to know the bottlenecks, it is necessary to have statistics reflecting quality of work of the enterprise and groups of managers, it is necessary to have the monitoring system, which would allow to supervise a course of transformations, it is necessary to know intellectual abilities and real professionalism of each employee, it is necessary to have the executors capable to generate the plan of re-structuring with allocation of separate stages and, certainly, to determine the volume of material inputs and other resources.
Here these problems frequently appear to be insuperable obstacle for many chiefs, because they need an accumulation of an authentic and deep statistical analysis concerning the work of all services, professional analysis and forecast.
Nowadays the Centre "Intelligence" has elaborated the biocomputer technologies which allow without gathering of statistical material (in overwhelming majority doubtful), without testing the managers of all ranks, to generate effectively company's strategy of development and to make the short-term and long-term forecast of realization of specific measures for increase of an overall performance of the company.
By means of biocomputer technologies the chief gets an opportunity independently, without assistance and information of company's services, operatively, spending no more than an hour per day to find only expedient and successful decision for solving any problems, constantly arising during operation of business.
The list of basically arising problems is given below for a management of association/enterprise.
Personnel tasks:
1. | To make a decision: whether to operate solely or jointly; |
2. | To define a managing team of adherents; |
3. | To make a decision on changing the assistants and who is worth to be changed; |
4. | To change or to form a new structure of business management; |
5. | To invite on the key posts the talented managers with appropriate life destination (desirably the top-managers); |
6. | To reveal an expediency of invitation of appropriate advisers for conducting the transformations and re-engineering; |
7. | To carry out a multi-factor estimation of an overall efficiency of the permanent and temporary partners; |
8. | To reveal, to estimate and to define the expedient forms of training of workers (including the biocomputer technologies); |
9. | To make a decision: whether it is expedient to carry out a reduction of the staff, what workers should leave. |
Organizational tasks:
1. | Whether it is expedient to carry out a transformation of company; |
2. | Whether it is expedient to change a company's specialization; |
3. | Whether it is expedient to increase or to reduce production volumes; |
4. | Whether it is expedient to increase company's industrial areas; |
5. | Whether it is expedient to reconstruct the enterprises or separate manufactures; |
6. | Whether it is expedient to carry out a technical re-equipment at the enterprise as whole or on separate bottleneck sites; |
7. | To reveal market volumes for company's production; |
8. | To forecast a change of market volumes for company's production; |
9. | Whether it is expedient to equip the enterprise and separate divisions by office machinery; |
10. | Whether it is expedient to purchase the licenses for new engineering or know-how; |
11. | Whether it is expedient to arrange at the enterprise its own design or scientific division. |
Tasks of management style:
1. | Whether it is expedient to establish company's system of encouragement of initiative, creativity, self-control of employees; |
2. | Creation of conditions for generation of ideas by the employees aimed to increase company's overall performance. |
Tasks in financial sphere:
1. | Whether it is expedient to use the long-term/short-term banking/legal/private persons credits; |
2. | Is it expedient to take a credit or to fully reject crediting? |
3. | Is it expedient and in what terms/by what methods to repay debt liability? |
Tasks of control:
1. | Weekly / daily to expose the estimations of complex overall performance to the key experts within five/hundred ball system; |
2. | To determine an efficiency and honesty of work of the participants of meetings/negotiation. |
For real economy the Scientific Centre "Intelligence" had offered the "Organizational Bases of High System of Intellectual Management by five-level structure of Authority/People Economy".
This system includes the following levels of management: President of the State, Ministries, corporations and associations, enterprises and separate groups (brigade, laboratory in any spheres of activity).
The system of intellectual management is based on the use of biocomputer technologies only, that is why for chief's decision making at any level it is not necessary to have the statistical information, specifications, basic parameters and criteria.
All necessary decisions, multi-criteria estimation of them, forecasts of the future periods turn out directly from three subsystems of the biocomputer.
Use of the biocomputer allows the chief independently to make a decision, which is always the most successful, optimal and reasonable one and to refuse the utilization of knowledge of "out-of-date" experience, various forms of testing, interrogations of the population, as well as the "trial and error" method.
A small analytical group of 2-3 persons mastered with the biocomputer technologies, is capable to conduct the inspection, estimation of factors influencing on the efficiency of activity and development of ministry, corporation or enterprise with further forecast elaboration.
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